What makes our dormitory unique, is the fact that we take responsibility for the design of life here. Starting with the fact that we care about who is living next to us and how we live together. Our landlord, the SWFR, supports us in getting involved in student self-administration for each other. If you are in the mood for this kind of living together, you have come to the right place here!
Most of the questions and potential problems of everyday life together are dealt with directly in the WG (floor): Who’s on kitchen duty? What has to be bought for the whole floor? When’s the next party? The residents meet officially at the beginning of each semester to choose a floor spokesperson and someone who handles the finances.
All residents of our dormitory meet at least once a semester for the general assembly. This is an occasion to discuss important topics that affect all residents, tutorials are presented and the Heimrat (home council) is elected.
The Heimrat consists of five elected members who are responsible for issues concerning the whole dormitory: communicating with the SWFR, mediation in case of problems inside the dormitory, and supervision of the tutorials, management of the budget and convening of the great assembly. The Heimrat represents all residents and ensures that student self-administration runs smoothly.
Anyone coming up with a good idea for everyday life or the community in the dormitory – whether it’s sports, playing, cooking or celebrating – can offer a tutorial for all residents or participate in already existing tutorials. In addition to the main tutorials such as the bar, the sports room or the organisation of the summer/winter festival (as well as the music room and the bicycle tutorial) you can also engage in many other tutorials to contribute your interests and skills.
Living in our dormitory is different from sitting alone in a single apartment. It can only work properly and be fun with people, who really want to live with 21 different personalities, people, who are reliable and committed.
That is why the admissions committee (consisting of members of the several floors and representatives of the SWFR) decides who will move in with us on the basis of an application for the Falkenberger-Straße dormitory. All members of the committee evaluate your application independently of each other. The goal is to bring together as many different personalities as possible. The decision is made regardless of nationality, religion or field of study.